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这是由好莱坞主流时尚节目主办的国际跨界大型时尚颁奖礼,联合美国好莱坞电影与时尚行业内外的各个国际精英机构组织,成立国际时尚权威评估委员会,以评选出专业高端的获奖者。它不仅仅是一场秀,而是一个创业平台、造梦平台,凭着对电影时尚创意文化的深刻理解,以及秉承我就是大咖的态度,并且怀着一份国际时尚人的热血情怀。今年美国好莱坞国际电影大奖有超过近三百部作品申请。包括美国,日本,瑞典,委内瑞拉,英国,法国,斯里兰卡,南非,韩国,中国,香港,西班牙,意大利,挪威,瑞士,墨西哥,俄罗斯,土耳其,匈牙利等来自数十个国家和地区的。这充分展现了美国好莱坞国际电影节的多样性、无穷的创意以及勃勃生机。 USHIFF暨美国好莱坞国际电影节组委会主席Michael 先生表示2016年USHIFF暨美国好莱坞国际电影节竞争会非常激烈,参赛影片多元化视角,辐射范围跨越五大洲。USHIFF依旧会大力推介有点儿小众、但艺术性比较高的独立制作作品,其中电影短片将会成为一个独特的亮点。 “无论世界多么喧嚣,都不能遮掩您的光彩夺目,”这是对美国好莱坞国际电影节的赞誉,同样也是对“美国IFSM国际时尚颁奖盛典”最好的概括。在本届美国好莱坞国际电影节暨国际电影巡礼中,以真实且极具国际影响力的国际设计师品牌集成的跨界营销逐步形成,具有时尚界与影视届的顶级圈层文化,也同“金影奖”一同为整个世界的创意时尚文化增添了异彩!

US Hollywood Int'l Film Festival : A Salute to independent FilmMakers

We did it again!! This year, the salute to Independent Filmmakers and USHIFF Golden Film Awards Ceremony Gala will be held at the Taglyan Culture Complex on December 14 , 2016

The Golden Film Awards & Int'l Films Tour is an annual community event. The festival will showcase feature & short films from around the world as well as providing a platform for up and coming filmmakers in independent feature films .

The US Hollywood International Film Festival will serve to showcase both established and undiscovered filmmakers by utilizing online video platform, and social media to share these films with a worldwide audience. The Festival Panel encourages and embraces "transmedia," a style of filmmaking that encourages interaction with the audience, specifically through the internet, social media, and online venues. Audience participation is the driving force in media today. Google, WeChat, Facebook, Twitter, Weibo are all shaped by and shape the content we partake in, absorb and mold. That's what this years’ festival is about.

US Hollywood Int'l Film Festival (USHIFF) enthusiastically pursues its artistic and public service goals; to enrich, to educate, to entertain, to initiate, to enhance cultural dialogue and celebrate cinematic excellence in any language. The US Hollywood Int'l Film Festival (USHIFF) aims for a leadership role in providing an extensive forum for multicultural exchange in the heart of Hollywood and beyond.

US Hollywood Int'l Film Festival

Los Angeles, CA



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