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The Smell of Summertime in your Memory

There is an old saying: “things remain after people have gone.” There are many times where the moments of memories have been replaced by current things; even though people have been through many unforgettable memories, they will still forget them someday. However, the smell within these memories will always remain. During a sunny afternoon that summer, you and him were happily playing in a small stream. Maybe after you and him grew up, you wouldn't remember the scene of that time, but you might still be able to smell the sun, the stream, and the grassy smell on his body of that day when you recall it.

Instead of regarding the Perfume Library as a place for fragrances, it is better to think of it as a key that unlocks memory. Summer is coming: what smells are floating in your memory? If you want to bring to mind those smells in your memory, you don’t want to miss the Perfume Library to find your own smell.

1. Ocean

Mentioning the summer, the ocean must be the first scene that comes into your mind. The ocean's tone is a subtle fragrance of water that contains lots of elements of the sea. The ocean fragrance from the Perfume Library is characterized with the smell of salt and beach that makes this tone get an incomparable advantage in summer.

2. Strawberry Ice Cream

Although ice cream is not only for the summer, the lovely taste of strawberry ice cream makes the summer more vivid and interesting. The sweet taste from the strawberry and the light milk taste with a moist texture creates this delicious strawberry ice cream. It will definitely refresh you during this hot summer.

3. Watermelon Lollipop

The lollipop in early summer is like a lively and lovely little girl. This fragrance not only includes the smell of watermelons but also has the essence of childhood lollipops, which brings to mind a sense of naughtiness but also a softness that inspires fascination. The lollipop is sweet and alluring. This is the allure of a sweet girl.

4. Mojito

The fresh smell of a minty mixed drink can also cool your summer down. The special spicy plant aroma of the mint will make you full of vitality. The cool and bright smell from lemons speaks to those whose summer memories include citrusy fruit. If the hot weather makes you lazy in the summer, then the smell of Mojitos will definitely refresh you.

5. Clear Skin

Nothing is sexier than the smell of a girl after a bubble bath. Orange, lemon, rose, peach, and vanilla flavors together create this smell, which is like a girl after a summer bath. If you want to have the most unique fragrance, then this “clear skin” perfume will be the best choice for you.

6. Jasmine/Lavender

The rich aroma of jasmine will always remind people of a shy girl wearing a white dress in the summer, whose purity will make the whole atmosphere become gentle and elegant. With the infusion of lavender, it makes people unable to resist entering a white and purple dream. The breeze blows; the purple smell of lavender fills all the flowers. Imagine spending all day in the flowery fields of Provence, France; what a wonderful afternoon it would be!


Summer storms are always ferocious and unpredictable. When you see rain through the window, will it remind you of the smell of the rain mixing with fresh plants and soil? It is just like the fluid streaming through the grass, the aroma of the heavy rain, and the calm after the storm; it is the clean aroma that's everywhere after the whole world is inundated with rain. If you like the smell after it rains, this smell will make you pleasantly surprised.

8. Summer Sensation Catalogue

Although so many kinds of smells have been mentioned above, everyone has a different understanding what summer smells like. So, what your favorite summer smell? Is it the sweet taste of watermelon? the fresh smell of mint? the purity of the sky? the thickness of the soil? the warmness of the sun? the coolness of the soda water? No matter what it is, The Perfume Library can restore all the smells of your summertime memories!

smells of your summertime memories!

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